Marriage is a blessing, and marriage is also sometimes hard! It takes consistent attention to cultivate and maintain a close, vibrant relationship that endures. Although, at times, it may seem as though the odds are against the success of your marriage, putting in the hard work will yield beautiful results!
Here are 5 foundational habits you can adopt to experience the intimacy and fulfillment you crave within your marital relationship:
A healthy marriage relationship is built on forgiveness. Your spouse may be perfect for you, but just like you, they will make mistakes. Everyone has their faults. Remember, a difference is not a fault. Having different interests is healthy. Celebrate each other’s unique qualities instead of expecting them to be like you. Create an environment of safety where both of you can be who you are without fear.
Be willing to give up your way on things, and your spouse will likely reciprocate. It's important to pick your battles wisely. Some of the things are just not worth the fight. Both of you will annoy each other, but it's important to provide the grace and compassion that makes the other person feel valued. Working together to find the middle ground in difficult situations will strengthen your relationship.
Both partners play their part in the relationship and no one is superior to the other. Marriage is a two-person system. When one person runs everything, it makes things challenging for both of you. Whether it's the bills or chores around the house, divide the tasks to make it easy for both of you. This is also true when deciding how to spend your time together. Take turns choosing what to do, or where to go. Both partners should feel equal in the relationship.
Date your spouse everyday. When a couple has been together for a long time, they settle into a routine and forget the little things that keep the relationship fresh. It’s easy for each person to assume that their partner knows how they feel about them. Find ways to show your appreciation and love for your spouse everyday. Small, inexpensive, thoughtful gifts throughout the year say more about your affection than one large gift on your anniversary. Say: “thank you” and “I love you” often.
Treat your spouse how you wish to be treated. Be considerate and thoughtful. Always be looking for new ways to express your love. Show that what's important to your partner is important to you also. Be supportive. When he feels down, do what you can to let him know you stand behind him. When she's had a rough day, pamper her and show her through your actions that she matters to you more than anyone else in this world.
Marriage can be a complicated road at times, but it can also be the source of tremendous happiness and joy for both of you! Start today by creating these 5 foundational habits. Commit to loving your spouse with all your heart, and experience a marriage filled with love and excitement. Your marriage can be a fulfilling journey through life together!
Check back in and leave a comment to let me know how these foundational habits have helped your marriage thrive!