Whether newly engaged or coming up on an anniversary, all relationships are an operation of patience and selfless love. The secret to thriving as a couple isn’t often found in milestones but daily practices. 


If you want to safeguard your love for the long haul, lean on these 10 tried and true habits of highly successful relationships:  



1. Make quality time a priority. 


Set aside half an hour in the morning or evening to connect, share, and plan together. Try to find two nights every month to pull away as a couple and enjoy each other’s company without distraction.



2. Be ready to compromise. 


A healthy relationship requires sacrifice and cooperation. Try to understand your partner’s perspective and make his/her ideals a priority. Make decisions together, and honor one another’s concerns. 


3. Accept your significant other as is. 

Make your peace with those quirks- that once drew you in that now seem to have become annoying habits. Don’t try to change the person you promised to love without reservation. Demonstrating that you acknowledge and accept your partner will offer him/her security in the relationship. The acceptation to this rule is spiritually, emotionally, or physically abusive behaviors. While in those situations, you still can’t change your spouse, you should set healthy boundaries.

(The acceptation to this rule is spiritually, emotionally, or physically abusive behaviors. You can’t change your spouse, but you can and should set healthy boundaries and create safety for yourself.)



4. Create a budget that you both can respect. 


Often in a relationship, one person is more financially savvy than the other. However, no matter who tracks the income and expenses, both partners need to be on the same page when it comes to money. 


5. Practice having healthy disagreements. 

Avoiding confrontation can fester into resentment. Treating one another as the enemy during an argument can cause lasting damage. Make sure you speak respectfully and listen closely to your partner’s perspective. Use arguments as an opportunity to better understand your significant other as a person. 


6. Discuss your sex life with honesty. 

Accept that some seasons may require adaptability. Communicate your intentions and needs, while considering the expectations of your spouse. 


7. Find a balance between independence and interdependence. 

Counting on your partner to meet all your emotional and physical needs is a recipe for disappointment and burnout. It is important to prioritize self-care and foster your interest, hobbies, and friendships. On the other hand, regularly expressing love for your spouse and finding healthy ways to connect with and rely on one another enriches a relationship. Make it a point to keep a balance between both perspectives. 



8. Communicate openly and regularly. 


Try to avoid speaking from emotions without first considering the repercussions. Refrain from criticizing and listen with a desire to fully comprehend your partner’s perspective.  


9. Choose to forgive. 

Any long-term relationship will experience moments of failure. Respond to those situations with truthfulness and grace. Refrain from referencing past mistakes after they’ve been dealt with. 


10. Consider counseling as a valuable resource, rather than a last-ditch effort.

Seeking outside guidance to improve your relationship does not mean that you have failed. Rather, it suggests that you are prepared to prioritize the health and longevity of your marriage. 


 Marriages that have stood the test of time are often founded on healthy habits. Make it a point to apply these practices to your daily life and watch your relationship flourish!


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